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LibWizard training guide

Customizing survey options

While editing your survey, click on the Survey Options tab to view and customize your survey's settings.

The Survey Options tab

The boxes below contain more information about each group of survey options you'll find.

Basic Info

The Basic Info settings allow you to customize your survey's title, description, and friendly URL (which allows you to customize your survey's public URL to be more user-friendly). You'll also find your survey's Public Access Control options, which allow you to restrict access to your survey's public page by a password, or by hiding your survey outside of a certain date range. If you subscribe to LibWizard Full, you can also restrict access to your survey using LibAuth Authentication. This allows you to require users to authenticate before viewing your survey.


Each survey has its own set of user permissions, giving you control over who owns, can view, and can edit the survey. Admin users and a survey's owner have full control over the survey, its options, its content, and its submission data. Regular users (other than the owner) only have access to a survey's public page unless they are granted either Edit or View permissions. Whereas a user with Edit permission can modify a survey's content, most settings, and submissions, a user with View permission is limited to a read-only view of the survey's settings, fields, and submissions.

Page Header

Each survey's public page can display a header at the top, above the survey's content. Although Admin users can create a default page header in the LibWizard system settings, each survey owner can choose to use their own custom page header instead. This includes a custom banner image, header text, and/or CSS code (for further customizing its styles).

Look & Feel

Under the Look and Feel settings, you'll find a handful of options that allow you to customize the appearance of your survey's public page. This includes the survey's font colors & styles; page colors; width & height; field label positioning; and text displayed next to required fields. In addition, you'll find options for automatically numbering your survey's fields, displaying a progress bar at the bottom of the page, and adding custom CSS code.

Submission Behavior

Your survey's Submission Behavior settings allow you to configure what happens before and after a survey is submitted. Prior to submission, you can choose to include a hidden spam-control field (to prevent bots from submitting your survey), as well as display a page that allows users to review their selections before submitting. After submission, you can configure your survey to redirect users to a specific URL; send notifications to specific email addresses; and/or post results data to a hosted web app's URL.

  • Enabling spam control for a survey
    Learn how to turn your survey's hidden spam control field on or off. (Although optional, we strongly recommended that you leave spam control enabled.)
  • Allow users to review their responses before submitting a survey
    Learn how to enable your survey's Review page, allowing users to review their responses before submitting. This gives the user a chance to go back and edit their responses if needed.
  • Redirecting a survey to a URL after submission
    Learn how to redirect users to a specific URL 5 seconds after they submit your form.
  • Enable email notifications for new survey submissions
    Learn how to send a notification email to one or more email addresses when a survey is submitted. This can include a static list of addresses, or a conditional list based upon a user's response to a multiple-choice field. In addition, you can also customize the notification email's reply-to field, with either a fixed list of email addresses or using an address entered by the user into a specific Email field on your survey.
  • Posting survey submission data to a URL
    Learn how to post survey submission data to a URL. This is an advanced feature that allows you to post data to your own, hosted web app or script that you've designed to handle the data.


LibWizard has the ability to record a user's IP address, browser, and referring URL. When enabled, this will be stored along with the user's submission data in your survey's report. However, you can choose to disable one or all of these user agent fields in your Reporting options.


Under your survey's Advanced settings, you'll find the Pre-filled Survey via URL options. This allows you to create a URL that will take users to your survey and pre-fill one or more of the fields. This works by passing a parameter string in the URL, which you can create right from within LibWizard. You will also find a list of your survey's field IDs if you'd like to create your own custom URL from scratch. In addition to custom URL strings, you can also map your survey's fields to OpenURL parameters. This can allow your survey to accept OpenURL strings from your link resolver or similar types of electronic resources.

If enabled in your system settings, you may also see options for adding custom JavaScript code to your form. You can either add code directly to your survey's public page, or include an external JavaScript file.

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