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Geronimo: Biography

GeronimoGeronimo (June 16, 1829 - February 17, 1909)

Geronimo was a leader of the Chiricahua Apache during the Apache Wars (1850-1890) with Mexico and the United States. Geronimo was captured several times by U.S. military agents, escaping each time and spending more than twenty-five years as a fugitive in Mexico and the American Southwest. Geronimo was born in 1829 in No-doyohn Canyon, Mexico (present-day Arizona). His given name was Goyathlay (also spelled Goyahkla, Gokhlayeh, Goyaale), meaning "one who yawns." Geronimo's lineage is tied to the Nedhi, the Southern Chiricahua, and the Bedonkohe tribes. His paternal grandfather, Mako, was chief of the Bedonkohe tribe. As the Apache followed a matrilineal culture, Geronimo became a Chiricahua when his father married into the tribe. Upon Mako's death, the Bedonkohe dispersed and joined with Geronimo's branch of the Chiricahua. Continue . . .

Source: Issitt, Micah L. “Geronimo.” Geronimo, Aug. 2017, p. 1. From Academic Search Complete database.

eBook Collection

Geronimo: The Man, His Time, His Place
Imagining Geronimo : An Apache Icon in Popular Culture
Geronimo's Kids : A Teacher's Lessons on the Apache Reservation


From Films On Demand database:

Special thanks to EOPS for their collaborative efforts. To access the resources provided via the Chaffey College Library's databases, enter your MyChaffey Portal login information, when prompted.

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