Our Story
Chaffey College's Literacy and Learning Community is the brainchild of the 2013-2014 Faculty Inquiry Team (FIT) on Perceptions and Experiences in Reading and Writing Across the Curriculum. The FIT--made up of faculty members Judith Weingartner, Robert Nazar, Gina Carlson, Starlene Justice, and Rose Ann Osmanian--investigated how faculty, staff, administrators, and students play roles in discipline- and department-specific literacy development. They determined that students were putting effort into reading and writing but did not persist when their efforts produced little payoff. In addition, instructors, staff, and administrators communicated that they wanted and needed more resources to teach discipline- and department-specific literacy strategies to students. In order to facilitate conversation regarding literacy across multiple areas on campus, the FIT created the Literacy and Learning Community to bring stakeholders across a variety of instructional and student services departments together. The Community developed its own definition of literacy, a mission statement, and a draft of outcomes for students, faculty, staff, and administrators.
The Community
The Literacy and Learning Community is made up of students, faculty, staff, and administrators. You may see the following folks at the Literacy and Learning Community meetings:
Robert Nazar (English, faculty)
Judith Weingartner (English, faculty)
Angela Burk Herrick (Biology, faculty)
Carla Castellaw (Language Success Center, staff)
Brizsea Suarez (student)
Diana Jimenez (Library, staff)
Esther Leano (English, adjunct)
Shannon Jessen (Biology, faculty)
Deanna Hernandez (English, faculty)
Sheryl Herchenroeder (Marketing, staff)
Rose Ann Osmanian (Success Center, faculty)
New voices are welcome anytime! Please join us at our next meeting!