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World Religions & Observances

Welcome to Chaffey College Library

This guide will assist you in finding resources for some World Religions. Chaffey College Library is a great place to start researching your topic, finding books, articles, and more. Librarians are always here to help.

World Religions Map

World Religions Map

Map Source: PBS LearningMedia

"World Religions Map." PBS LearningMedia, 21 May 2015, Accessed 17 Jan. 2025.


Land Acknowledgement

With respect and honor for the lands where Chaffey College resides and the leaders who came before us, we would like to take a moment to acknowledge the Gabrieleño-Tongva (GABRIEL-EN-YO TONG-VAH) Peoples, the original stewards of these sacred and unceded homelands. The Tongva people’s history, language(s), cultural traditions, and legacy continue to shape this region and we recognize their continuing presence in their homelands. 

World Religions Resources

Chaffey College • 5885 Haven Avenue, Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91737 - 3002 • 909/652-6000
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