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ART-89, Artist Research Assignment: Find Websites

Websites-Additional Strategies

  • Take a look at the artist's personal website as well as social media feeds (Instagram, Facebook) as they can be a rich resource of information especially on their creative process and influences.
  • What museums, galleries, etc. have held exhibits of their works? Locate and search their websites for information on a specific artist.  

Why Use Resources from the Web?

Pages and sites found on the Web can help supplement gaps in information needed. It can be more challenging to locate background on web sources (author, date published, etc.) and sources may not have gone through a vetting process before being made live. Need some guidance on how to determine credibility? Check out the video below. 


Suggested Web Resources

Art History-Background Resources

Contemporary Art Resources

Modern Art Museums

Search Wikipedia

Google Search

Google Web Search

YouTube Search


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