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One Book One College 2014 - 2015: Welcome

Research Tips for One Book One College Assignments

One Book One College at Chaffey College

Library Locations, Hours & Contact

  Chaffey College Library Online Hours

Spring 2025 (January 13 - May 22)

Monday: 8am - 8pm
Tuesday: 8am - 8pm
Wednesday: 8am - 8pm
Thursday: 8am - 8pm
Friday: 8am-4pm

Saturday: Closed
Sunday: Closed

  Chaffey College Library Services at Rancho Campus Hours

Monday-Thursday: 8am - 8pm

Friday: 8am - 4pm

Saturday -Sunday: Closed

   Chaffey College Library Services at Chino Campus Hours

Monday-Friday: 8am - 4pm

Saturday - Sunday: Closed

   Chaffey College Library Services at Fontana Campus Hours

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Spring 2025  (January 13- May 22)

Monday, January 20  MLK Jr. Holiday
Friday, February 14  Presidents Day Holiday
Monday, February 17  Presidents Day Holiday
Monday-Friday, March 17-21 Spring Break
Monday, March 31 Cesar Chavez Day Holiday

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Welcome to the One Book One College Libguide

Daytripper by Gabriel Ba and Fabio Moon. Verigo. 2011.

This guide will assist you in finding research resources for One Book One College.  This is a great place to start looking for a topic, finding books, articles and more.

Find a copy of Daytripper by using the Chaffey College Library online Catalog.  In addition to copies that are available to be checked out, at least one copy will be kept on reserve at the Rancho, Chino and Fontana libraries for use in the library.

Use the databases Literary Reference Center Plus and Academic Search Complete to find book reviews in magazines and other publications.

Think of search terms for topics related to the book, for example, "fatherhood," "absent fathers," "family," "friendship," "obituaries," "mortality salience" ( awareness of one's eventual death ).

Use these search terms in various databases such as Gale Virtual Reference for a general overview in specialized encyclopedias; Academic Search Complete for magazine and journal articles; JSTOR for articles in journals and other publications; SocINDEX with Full-Text for articles in journals, magazines and other publications related to sociology; PsycArticles for articles in journals and other publications related to psychology.

For citation tips, consult the Language Success Center website for research paper handouts on MLA, APA and Chicago styles.

The Research Process

 Steps of the research process

The Research Process consists of the following 5 steps:

  1. Researching and Selecting a Topic
  2. Selecting Keywords
  3. Searching for Sources
  4. Evaluating Sources
  5. Creating a Sources List

For more information on the Research Process, review the Start Your Research section on this guide.


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