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Black Lives Matter

Web Sources & Articles

Searching Websites

When searching Google for a website with a specific domain, such as a .gov or .edu, type in your search terms then add "site:" and the domain type at the end of your search term. For example, if you want to find government websites on gun control, type in "gun control". Or if you wanted to specifically search for non-profit websites that had information on wildlife, type in "wildlife".

LibKey Nomad connects you to articles in Google Scholar, PubMed, Wikipedia, and other sites through journals subscribed to Chaffey College Library. Download the LibKey Nomad extension in your browser, then select Chaffey College as your organization. Once installed, look for the LibKey Icon at the bottom left of the page. For more help, see this video.

Web Sources & Articles

The Marshall Project Homepage

Is your source any good? Fact Check your sources using SIFT -- Click through the tabs to begin the tutorial

Introducing SIFT

SIFT is an easy-to-use four-step method of fact-checking information you find anywhere. Digital literacy expert Mike Caulfield has created a few short videos to explain how to best use SIFT.

The above is adapted from "The SIFT Method"Introduction to College Research by Walter D. Butler; Aloha Sargent; and Kelsey Smith, licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

Step 1: Stop!

Before you use a source. ask yourself:

Who's responsible for the information?

Who created and disseminated it? And do you recognize the source?

If so, do you trust it? If the answer is no or you're unsure, consider some of the following:

Step 2: Investigate the Source

What do others have to say about the source? (Hint: Try scanning the Wikipedia article on the source, if there is one) Look for surprises, particularly those that deviate from your initial impression! Take a look at the video (2:45) that covers how to fact-check efficiently and effectively by "reading vertically"

Step 3: Find Better Coverage

If you're unsure about a source, especially if it is claiming that you want to use or share, investigate if other sources that you trust more are also making the claim. The following video (4:10) covers strategies for finding better coverage of a claim:

Step 4: Trace Claims, Quotes and media to the Original Context

Context is critical when it comes to information claims. And information changes as it gets passed along and shared, sometimes unintentionally, sometimes deliberately. So, consider tracing the claim back to its original source and context. Take a look at the following video (1:33) that covers tips for "going upstream" and finding the original context:

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