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Sociology 16, Song: Find Articles

Sociology 16, Song

Searching Library Databases

Scholarly & Popular Sources video

Carnegie Vincent Library. "Scholarly and Popular Sources." YouTube. YouTube, 22 Mar. 2013. Web. 22 Oct. 2014.

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Recommended Article Databases for SOC 16

What is the Difference Between Scholarly & Popular Articles?

Scholarly/Peer Reviewed Journal Articles vs. Popular Magazine Articles

Journal Articles

  • Scholarly, peer reviewed and carefully fact checked
  • Written by subject specialists, often containing original research
    Scholarly vs. Popular Articles
      Scholarly Articles Popular Articles
    Purpose In-depth and subject specific, often contains original research Provide general information for the public
    Author Scholar or subject specialist, provides credentials Journalist, non-subject specialist paid for content
    Audience Scholars, researchers and students General public
    Language Specialized terminology General vocabulary
    Images Few photos & ads More photos & ads
    Accountability Peer-reviewed and fact checked by experts in the field Reviewed by editorial staff (not subject specialists)
    References Required Generally not listed
    Examples Journal of Abnormal Psychology, Nursing Ethics, Engineering Studies Time, Newsweek, Vanity Fair


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