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Fake News: Evaluating a News Article

Consider the Source!!

Before you use a source, for an assignment, ask yourself:

  • What's the reputation of your source? Try to Google the source, and see if there is an "about" link on their page. 
  • Are there other news outlets telling the same story? Do these other sources give the same information? Can you find other news sources with the same story?
  • When was the story published? Be sure to check the date of the news story.
  • Is the story outrageous? The story may be form a parody/humor site. Take a look at the other stories on the website.


Also Consider..

  • When you open up a news article in your browser, open a second, empty tab.  Use that second window to look up claims, author credentials and organizations that you come across in the article.
  • Fake news spans across all kinds of media - printed and online articles, podcasts, YouTube videos, radio shows, even still images. Be prepared to double-check everything.
  • Beware of confirmation bias.  Just because you might agree with what an article is saying doesn't mean it's true. Check these sources also!
  • Even the best researchers will be fooled once in a while.  If you find yourself fooled by a fake news story, use your experience as a learning tool.


Chaffey College • 5885 Haven Avenue, Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91737 - 3002 • 909/652-6000
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