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LibChat User Guide: Responding to Chats

Chatting with Students

Chatting with a Student: 

  1. Enter your reply in the text box. As you write, the patron's chat widget will let them know that you are currently typing.
    1. To add simple formatting to your message, highlight the text you want to format and click on the Bold ( ), Italic ( ) or Underline ( U ) buttons.
    2. Use the Message Patron / Internal Note button to toggle between the type of message to send.
      • Message Patron: sends the text you've input to the patron.
      • Internal Note: allows you to record a note that is displayed in the chat thread. Notes are visible only to you and are included in the text of the chat transcript.

Sending a message

  1. Click the Send Message button, or press Enter to send it to the patron.
    1. When the patron is typing a message to you, you'll see an "is typing..." message above the text box.

Status message indicating the patron is typing

Inserting emojis

LibChat allows you to insert one of several popular emoji into your messages, for when an old fashioned :) just won't do.

  1. Click on the Emoji (Grinning emoji) button above the text box.
  2. In the Emoji Picker window, click on the one you want to use. It will automatically be inserted into the text box, where you can finish writing and send your message.

The Emoji button above the text box

The Emoji Picker window

Chaffey College • 5885 Haven Avenue, Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91737 - 3002 • 909/652-6000
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